Chalfont, PA Veterinary Blog
Tips From Your Chalfont Veterinary Clinic: 3 Ways to Play With Your Cats
Did you know that playing with your cat more can strengthen your bond, reduce their chances of obesity, and enhance the quality of their life? However, pet owners frequently the forget the importance of exercising their cats because of the myth that they prefer sleeping over moving.
With this in mind, keep reading to learn some excellent ways to keep your cats active and happy through play!

Use a Variety of Toys
If your cat doesn’t seem interested in the toys you usually use to play with them, they may just not like that type of toy. For this reason, try a variety of objects until you find one that your cat goes crazy for! These can be small mice that squeak, crinkly toys, wand toys with feathers at the end, or larger toys that your cat can kick.
Keep in mind that your cat can get bored of toys over time even if they love them, so keep a few in rotation!
Play for Short Bursts
In the wild, cats will have quick bursts of activity as they hunt, then will rest for a little before beginning again. Replicate this during your play sessions by aiming to play for ten to fifteen minutes at a time, then trying it once or twice more throughout the day.
Try timing your play sessions before they eat, as you’ll be able to replicate their natural hunt-catch-kill cycle.
Act Like Their Prey
Lastly, keep in mind that cats love hunting, and they often mimic those movements when they play. For this reason, make the toy you’re using act like a mouse or other prey animal by keeping it still for a few moments before having it scoot forward. Burrow the toy beneath pillows or blankets for your cat to dig out; have it jump up into the air as it tries to “fly” away.
You’ll find that your cat will go crazy for it!
Schedule an Appointment With Your Favorite Chalfont Veterinary Clinic
Your cat will have a far happier and longer life if you prioritize playing with them for at least a half an hour in short bursts throughout the day. Start using different toys to pique their interest. Of course, it’s important that you’re also taking your cat to the vet at least twice a year so you can ensure they’re in their best health.
Schedule an appointment with us today – we can’t wait to meet you and your furry loved one!