Client Services

Microchips: Safe & Reliable Pet Identification
Each year, millions of pets go missing and many don't return home. Microchipping your pet is a safe, simple and effective way to prevent this tragedy. About the size of a grain of rice, identification microchips are encoded with your pet's vital information and implanted beneath your pet's skin, usually between the shoulder blades.
Veterinary hospitals and animal shelters across the country and around the world are equipped with special scanners capable of reading these microchips. The information in the chip is used to reunite you with your pet.
Central Veterinary Center uses the AVID (American Veterinary Identification Devices) microchip system. AVID is recognized not only across the United States, but throughout South and Central America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and South Korea.
In-House Pharmacy
As the prescribing veterinarian for your pet's medications, we are able to ensure there is a direct link between the exam room and the hospital's pharmacy. This means your pet will receive the right medication, at the right dose, in the correct form as quickly as possible. We will also be able to easily guide you on the medication's use as well as monitor its effectiveness. Ensuring that you have convenient and timely access to competitively priced medications is an important aspect of Central Veterinary Center.
Refills are easy, too. Simply give us a call or use the online store.
We maintain a complete inventory of pharmaceuticals, vitamins, shampoos, flea and tick control products and heartworm preventives to meet the needs of your pet. We also carry a full line of prescription diets. If your pet requires a prescription diet we do not carry, we can easily order it for you.

Health Certificates for Your Pet
We provide Interstate and International health certificates. We ask that you investigate your destination's requirements prior to your appointment. Many countries require Rabies titer testing and microchipping. We are able to provide these services for your pet. We are also happy to support you through the process and coordinate with the USDA to ensure that you have the proper paperwork and documentation.
You can find a list of pet-friendly hotels at www.petswelcome.com.
End-of-Life Planning
For many pet owners, even thinking about their pet’s final days is difficult and emotional. A beloved pet plays a big role your family. It is this strong bond, born from years of loyal companionship that makes this time particularly hard to bear.
We encourage you to talk with your the medical team at Central Veterinary Center before your pet's issues become an urgent matter. Learn more about your options—including cremation services, make some key decisions ahead of time and ask us to add this information to your pet's record. Taking the time to plan, as challenging as it may be, will lessen the pain and stress for you and your pet.
All of us at Central Veterinary Center will do their best to help you prepare for these important issues with the compassion and sensitivity they require.